Advocacy and Resource Mobilization
At SEEK, we recognize the power of advocacy in shaping policy, channelling funding to critical sectors, and driving social change. In response to the changing global development landscape, the advocacy landscape has also rapidly evolved.

Advocacy for Social Change
At SEEK, we recognize the power of advocacy in shaping policy, channeling funding to critical sectors, and driving social change. In response to the changing global development landscape, the advocacy landscape has also rapidly evolved– with new development funding streams like blended finance emerging, a diverse set of development actors coming to play, and limited development budgets. In light of these challenges, developing effective advocacy requires solid strategies that are rooted in evidence-based market intelligence and backed by strong partnerships.

From Intelligence to Engagement and Strategy
At SEEK, we are uniquely positioned to support clients in developing such holistic strategies and partnerships, given our proven understanding of effective advocacy tools, tactics, and approaches, our extensive knowledge of development sectors, actors, and finances– spanning over 14 OECD donor markets and collected by our network of local country experts– and our experience in developing and implementing effective advocacy strategies for clients focused on sustainable development.
From development to implementation, we support our clients across a breadth of advocacy efforts including enabling them to understand complex policy landscapes and donor markets, develop compelling advocacy strategies and agendas, effectively engage with key actors and audiences, and undertake successful resource mobilization efforts to fund their strategies.
An example of our approach
Real-world examples of SEEK Development's impact across focus areas:
The Challenge
The Challenge
The Challenge
The Moving Minds Alliance– a network convened to scale up financing, policies, and leadership in support of young children and caregivers affected by crisis and displacement– was looking to mobilize support for the prioritization of services to families caught up in crisis, focused on building resilience and fostering the wellbeing and development of young children.
UNICEF estimates 29 million children were born into conflict in 2018. These children experience the most critical development period of their lives in the context of crisis and displacement and MMA was looking to facilitate integrated early childhood services, including in education, for these young children.
As part of this, they were looking to solve the issue of Early Childhood Development in Emergencies (ECDiE) not receiving sufficient attention in financing and policymaking
Concretely, it was identified that the ECDiE issue landscape lacked i) an explicit tracker that accurately measured how muchfunding was channeled for ECDiE issues as well as ii) an overarching coalition of organizations advocating for ECDiE issues.

Our Approach
Our Approach
Our Approach
To solve the issue of the lack of a strong financing evidence-base in ECDiE, SEEK developed the first-ever estimate of funding levels for ECDiE. This analysis set the base for deriving advocacy targets for ECDiE issues.
SEEK also worked with all partners to create the first-ever joint advocacy agenda and strategy for ECDiE– aimed at making it a financing and policy priority in the humanitarian space. This joint advocacy strategy was adopted by a diverse set of cross-sectoral actors and became a powerful basis for setting up a formal alliance to deliver on ECDiE needs.
SEEK supported the creation of this formal alliance, including by supporting on developing its hosting arrangements and governance framework.

Our Impact
Our Impact
Our Impact
With SEEK’s support, MMA members and partners consolidated into a powerful multi-stakeholder partnership that could provide a united voice for advocating for ECDiE issues.
With SEEK’s support, MMA could hit the ground running with a joint and actionable advocacy ECDiE strategy that was used as the basis for shaping the agendas of governments and international organizations in the humanitarian space.

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How we can help

Resource Mobilization Strategies

Coalition and Alliance Building

Policy and Advocacy Strategies

Sector and Market Diagnostics